Sirri Care Foundation impacts positive developmental change in subaltern societies

At Sirri Care Foundation, we are committed to impact positive developmental change in subaltern societies but these efforts can be challenged in an environment characterized by violence. Pursuant to our Organizational objective which cuts across the promotion of human rights, peacebuilding, cultural sustainability and reintegration, gender equality, and above all child protection activities, we realize how Peace remains an essential factor of our operations and human life in general. The need for it can not be overemphasized! Undoubtedly, no society can survive in a war situation. Hence as an organization, we are committed to intensify efforts towards enhancing Peace within communities. As we mark World Peace Day today with the theme *Shaping Peace Together* we join the United Nations to encourage people to celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the (COVID-19) pandemic. Sincerely, the plague has reminded us that we are all interconnected and need to work together to overcome global challenges. Conclusively, the Sirri Care Foundation believes that peace is non-negotiable and a necessary sin-qua-non to the realization of human rights in vulnerable communities. Once again Happy #worldPeaceday! Stay safe #SirriCareFoundation #CareforAll #peaceforall Maiduguri, Nigeria